Zeddicus King is a Triple Threat:

He Has Trained Over 15,000 Dogs Nationwide.  Has Over three Decades of Experience and is a Bestselling Author!

The Next Level and the Future of Dog Training. —“The Diverse Method”

WOOF: Play the Video if You Hate Reading or Don’t Have Time to Read.


Let’s face it. It’s not smart or practical to rely on just one way of training as a crutch.


The key to greatness just like anything in life is to Have an Open Mind and be Adaptable. And working with dogs shouldn’t be any different. The reality is NO Training Method or Training Tool is 100% guaranteed to work Every Time, on Every dog, and in ANY Scenario. I really need you to marinate in that fact!


The Diverse Method has been originated from dog training and is perfected by Dog Psychology.

This Means You HAVE TO
Expand Your Way of Thinking!!!


NOT expand to different treat flavors. Folks, waving beef jerky in front of your puppy and calling it a trained dog isn’t going to get you solid obedience. You want your training to work even around dogs, cats, kids, guests or from a distance. You don’t carry a little bag full of treats with you 24/7–nor should you have to.


In a nutshell, the “Diverse Method” is about a careful consideration of your dog’s Age, Size, Energy, Strength, and Speed, while matching it with your OWN Lifestyle, Expectations, Goals, and Mobility.


Also, never forget what was your dog bred for? You can’t deny that. Every dog on the planet was bred for a purpose.

Zeddicus King’s Biography

Zeddicus "The Dog Prodigy" King
Zeddicus King is easily one of the brightest minds in the world of dog training and canine psychology. He has successfully trained over 15,000 dogs nationwide, earning him his nickname- “The Dog Prodigy”. 

It’s hard to paint his image with the same brush as others, as his unique way of understanding and communicating with dogs makes him a pioneer in his field. 

He has done it all: From teaching hundreds of obedience classes, conducting house calls, helping rescue organizations, to offering canine rehabilitation camps aka Doggie Boot Camp, 

You know when you meet a natural. We’ve all seen one. These individuals are rarely taught, but rather born. Ever since he was young, Zeddicus has been able to understand and communicate with dogs in a much deeper and instinctual way. 

He is proud of working with many rescue organizations in saving hundreds of dogs from abandonment, shelters, or worse, euthanasia. Despite being involved with dogs for over three decades, he still expands his knowledge while comparing the strengths and weaknesses of numerous philosophies. Zeddicus has read over two hundred books on dog training, canine behavior, dog psychology, and breed characteristics. 

In his dog psychology book, he uses logic, humor, with thought-provoking scenarios that will help you see the world from your dog’s point of view, your method & mindset, your trainer’s perspective, and of course—the dog training industry! To this day, no other dog training or canine psychology book has covered all five of these elements in this depth!!

Listen and follow his canine psychology podcast: Dog Secrets. He is still offering phone/zoom consultations, bootcamp, private lessons, or some fly him to their city or country to help them with their dogs. But start with this book. It truly is Dog Psychology on Steroids!!! For more info, paw at his award-winning website: Dog Secrets .com

Zeddicus is famous for accepting tough cases that the majority of dog schools and dog behaviorists find challenging or even hopeless.


Yes, we are referring to “red zone dogs,” and those already given up on by many trainers, veterinarians and even animal behaviorists. Zeddicus has saved hundreds of these dogs from being re-homed, turn to shelters, or worse, being put down.


He is famous for mixing different methods-to get you guaranteed results that LAST. To reach this level Zeddicus had to test the strengths and weaknesses
of numerous dog training theories.


Mr. King proudly advocates the “Diverse Method”: Combining different techniques in a smart, humane, yet effective way to get better, faster and long-term results.


He is a prominent speaker, whose seminars are guaranteed to take your knowledge and abilities to an entirely new level. He has an uncanny ability to communicate with people and their pets. His lessons are always fun, informative, with his sense of humor as a bonus.

He Thrives on Helping You Become More than Just Your Dog’s Mommy/Daddy. But a Great Teacher.


If you live in Los Angeles or SoCal and Want to Get Your Dog Trained Not Just by ANY Dog Trainer by a Dog Prodigy, Give Zeddicus a Try. From Puppy to Adult Dogs, Sweet to Psychos, He Will Come to You or You Can Try His Drop Off Dog Training aka Dog Boot Camp in Los Angeles. Doggie Boot Camp Works Becuase You Will Get a Trained Dog Back. You See Many Others Offer Doggy Boot Camp but They Don’t Offer Lifetime Guarantee. Zeddicus Does.

Zeddicus (The Dog Prodigy) King currently operates in Southern California. LAX, Orange County, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Huntingon Beach, and within surrounding of Los Angeles. He Offers House Calls within the Region As Well As His Drop Off Dog Training aka Doggy Boot Camp. This Dog Boarding and Training Has Helped Hundreds of Dog Owners Nationwide.