* Too Busy to Train Your Dog

* Leaving Town

* Always Arguing  

* Big Party or Guests Sleeping Over

* Surgery that Needs Your Dog Gone

Or Perhaps…


* Your Dog is Getting WORSE 

* Remodeling Your Home

 * Studying for an Exam 

 * Full Time Mom or a Mother-to-Be

!!! Your Last Trainer Did NOT Deliver Results !!!


WOOF: Time to Try Zedd’s Dog Boot Camp!  Come on Guys. NO. More. Monkey Business. Your Last Trainer Ssssssucked. Badly. Ha Ha Ha

 Best Doggie Boot Camp in Sacramento
 (Unruly to Unpredictable… Doesn’t Matter to Zedd!) 


NO More Annoying:


  •  Jumping Up
  •  Play-biting
  •  Barking
  •  Leash Pulling
  •  Stealing Food / Counter Surfing
  •  Leash Reactivity
  •  Separation Anxiety
  •  Obedience Commands
  •  Potty Training


Even More Serious and Challenging Issus:


  • Protective or Possessive Around You
  • Bullying Your Other Dog
  • Goes After Guests, Visitors and BITES
  • Bit You, Your Kid, Spouse or Other Dog
  • Guards Food, Toys or Anything From You
  • Major Dog Fights in Your Household
  • Afraid to Move Your Dog Off Bed or Couch
  • Worry What He’ll Do If He Gets Loose
  • Distance Response (Especially w Real-Life Distractions)
  • Bother Your Poor Kitty or Worse, Tries to Kill it
  • Chasing Joggers, Cars, Cats, Squirrels, Skateboarders
  • Bolting Out or Playing Keep Away
  • Fence Fighting w the Neighbor’s Dog(s)
  • Serious Bites that (Broke/Breaks the Skin)


10 Days Boot Camp – (Future Follow Ups INCLUDED) – Only: 2,900

BEST OF BOTH WORLDS – 10-14 Days Boot Camp (Unlimited IN-HOME Follow Ups) ONLY: 3,900


WOOF: 10-14 Days Doggie Boot Camp that Comes with Unlimited Lifetime Lessons in Your Home or Around Distractions of Your Choosing. There Are NO Extra Costs or Hidden Fees and You Get Everything in a Binding Contract and with a Lifetime Guarantee. Shop Around All You Want. Nobody Else Offers This Sweet Deal for Only: 3,900

STICKER SHOCK: There Are Dog Schools that Charge 15 Thousand for Dog Boot Camp. I Wish I Was Making This Up. Hey, That’s a Decent Sedan. LOL. Don’t Kid Yourself. Unpredictable Means Just THAT-Unpredictable. That’s Why Follow Up Lessons in Your Home or Location of Your Choice Makes Perfect Sense. Normal Dogs Don’t Normally: Charge, Snap, Growl, Bite, Break the Skin, Attack or Lose Their S**t As Soon As They Spot a Dog on Leash. Which is Why In-Home Follow-Ups Are Essential 


Don’t Put Up with a Psycho Dog that Will Snap, Growl, Bite, Charge, Show Teeth or Full on Attack.

Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan Takes Dogs in His Camp All the Time

He calls it dogs in rehab. Rehabilitation or Boot Camp for Dogs, it’s the same concept. With our Doggie Boot Camp–your dog WILL remain trained and well-mannered for life. Unlike Other Dog Training Boot Camps in Sacramento, Zeddicus gives you a Written Guarantee.


You see, Doggy Boot Camp works much better and faster because most of the hard work is done and over with. Again, Drop off dog training, Send Away Dog Training or Puppy Boot Camp… are all the same concepts.  Some refer to them as Dog Board & Train or Dog Boarding with Training.

If you can get to Sacramento CA– our Dog Training Boot Camp makes. perfect. sense! Especially if you are fed-up and happen to be super busy.  


From the Book, DOGS DECODED 




If You Send Your Dog Away to Boot Camp,
It Will Never Obey YOU and Only to THAT Trainer


TRUTH: I bet you never knew that the majority of the best-trained dogs in the world have been fully trained WITHOUT their owners. That is correct. The owners were nowhere to be found! If you doubt this, just research personal protection dogs, hunting dogs, dogs for the blind, the handicapped and even drug-sniffing dogs.


Guess what? Just about every one of these dogs has been trained without the owner’s day-to-day involvement.


 You may wonder how in the world the final outcome will transfer to me once the trainer is out of the picture. Well, I could say the same thing about group classes or private dog trainers. Please tell me! How can you guarantee that the dog will respond to YOU guys once the trainer goes home? Why should you believe them? Hmm… you never even thought of that, did you?

Nagging Fact: It is much easier to take over once the dog is already trained. This way, the expert doesn’t have to train you AND your dog. (Half the hard work is out of the way.)


Send-away training can be a wise choice for those of you who need to travel out of town, have a busy schedule, are a mother-to-be, or might be in the process of moving or remodeling your home. Perhaps you are one of those folks who prefer a professional do the hardest part. This way, all you have to do is stay on top of things with the maintenance aspect of the training. I don’t see anything wrong with that, do you?


Let’s not bullsh!t each other: You need to be involved in your dog’s training regardless! In fact, it will never ever stick without your diligent commitment. It’s just that some dog owners get involved from the beginning to the end, and some prefer to come in AFTER the dog is completely trained or rehabilitated.


 Liposuction vs. Doggie Boot Camp


 You could spend all the money, lose the fat and look dazzling. But if you revert back to your old ways, you’ll get back to your old size, if not any bigger.


A friend, family member, or one of your colleagues may challenge you by saying: “Why don’t you train your dog yourself?” Wellllll… for the same reason we bother hiring an electrician, a mechanic, a plumber, a contractor, or even an attorney.


We do so because:


  • Not all of us have the slightest clue as to what we’re doing.
  • We are all busier or lazier than ever and can’t make the time for it.
  • You can take out the guesswork on how your dog acts without your presence

Just imagine if I told you that I can do YOUR job just as good. You’d be laughing your @ass off. It’s the same concept with doggie boot camp. Let a pro deal with it. Just because you’ve owned a few dogs in your life doesn’t make you an expert in dogs or some hardcore dog trainer.


This is why it’s smart to hire a pro that boards and actually trains dogs for a living. I am NOT talking about some doggie daycare that charges you extra to walk and play with your dog, and another day asks, “Oh, so you want him trained too? No biggie. We’ll have Marj and Archie train him for ya.” By the same token, any bozo can teach your dog to sit, roll over, give a paw, and bark for a cookie. As a seasoned professional, I’ve noticed that every one of these owners needed help with far more challenging issues than to worry about a stupid sit, down, or play dead.


 Topnotch Dog Trainers Are Like Rare Gems!


 I know some of you are rolling your eyes as you read this, but do me a favor. Start your search locally. Unless you live in a very obscure small town, you’ll easily find hundreds of doctors, attorneys, plumbers, and mechanics listed, but only a very few dog trainers and dog schools. Now, just imagine how many of those very few are considered good, average, or just brilliant. I think I’ve made my point.


It took years even for ME to admit that starting with the dog made much more sense. In fact, it was a smoother transition for everyone. Upon reflection, it’s really not that complicated: Your dog goes to rehab and gets trained or re-trained. Then comes the harder part—training you and the rest of your family!


Back to those trainers who are against “Send-Away Dog Training” or believe it is not as effective. I guarantee you that none of these skeptics has ever tried to train a dog without the owner’s initial involvement. Ask any of them if they ever owned a kennel or worked with someone who operates a boarding facility or runs doggie daycare with a qualified trainer(s) on staff. I’m curious to know what their answer would be.


You wanna bet?  Their response would be: “NO I have not and I DON’T need to. I just know that drop-off dog training never works.” (Yeah suuuuuuure you do.) Frustrated dog owners who give my Board & Train Bootcamp an honest chance, can’t deny seeing a major difference at their final pick-up lesson. (Some pay extra to fly me to them for a day or so in order for me to demonstrate what I’ve taught their dog). One thing is certain:


You WILL see a changed dog in front of you. Guaranteed! It’s the Boot Camp WITHOUT the Boot. That’s right. I Don’t Break Dogs. ANYONE Can Do That!!!


Again, the dog schools that doubt or bash “drop off training without the owner” are usually the ones who never give this concept a fair shot. Take sushi: Most people who hate sushi are usually the ones who have never even tasted it. I’ve tried that raw meat and found it extremely delicious.


To be fair, at the very beginning of my career, I too was just as skeptical and considered myself a “boot camp basher.” But guess what? Like SUSHI, I had to try it for myself in order to draw my own conclusions.


And frankly, it all started when I was rescuing and fostering dogs. I found that “polite pooches” were much more adoptable! Once I showed off the dog’s obedience skills and good manners. This was a no-brainer! The level of success I had in finding these dogs new homes were much higher after they were already trained by me.


When people saw the dog responding beautifully to sit, stay, down, heel, come, and even more important than commands, the dog had manners, things went much smoother when it came to decision time.


After all, who wants a dog that jumps on everyone, barks nonstop, play-bites, growls, lunges at other dogs, and loses it every time you have company over? I often have a waiting list for a reason with my Doggie Boot Camp. Because that is my niche, and IT WORKS! Trust me. I get it that people don’t hire an expert so their dog responds marvelously to… ahem, some handsome stranger. That’s why-


Teaching and Educating YOU and the Rest of Your Household to Get the Same Level of Compliance from Your Dog IS My TOP Priority.


Considering boot camp also depends on your dog, your schedule, your travel plans, your circumstances, your expectations, the family dynamic, and, let’s not forget—the spoiler in your household. (She most likely thinks that the dog will have a heart attack without her, when in actuality, SHE is the one with major separation anxiety and high blood pressure. lol)


It’s no secret that one-on-one lessons with a top expert of ANY field will cost you more. Hey, we get what we pay for. Think about this for a minute: What does it really mean when we choose to pay MORE for something, someone, or a service? This can’t be your first rodeo!


Doesn’t MORE “Expensive” Get You…


The very best, the most skilled, a pro, experience, peace of mind, convenience, luxury, reliability, durability, one-on-one attention, efficiency, privacy, warranty, the rarest, the cleanest, the healthiest, the most advanced, the tastiest, the newest, the fastest, the strongest, the smartest, most comfortable, much safer, much bigger, the most-admired or that WOW Factor?


How about from top medical treatment to top VIP treatment? You want boujee or bullsh*t??? Well, boujee will cost ya more. (Giving me your dog to train it for you while you’re chillin like a villain, is kinda boujee, but who cares. You want eyebrow raising results and willing to pay extra for it. lol)


Bottom line: When people pay top money, they automatically expect to get top training. Sorry, but going out of your way to get the early-bird special in some park or that pet store will NOT get you top-notch dog training. I know it sounds like I’m being an @sshole here, but I’m also revealing a harsh reality.


These ten dog training lies are a very condensed version of what you are about to read in pages of this book. From myths to mistakes, to secrets and scams, I’ve exposed them all. I bet you already noticed how much of ALL of this information has been hidden from you, or you simply relied on bad information, on luck, on hope, or pure assumptions. Speaking of assumptions-



— Donald J. Trump


Guess what?? I totally made that up. Trump never ever said the above quote. Why did EVERYONE reading this believe it then? Simple! Because that is something he would say. Ha ha ha…. (Man, I’m gooood.)


Whether you love or hate the dude, you know that I’m right here. We all have been a victim of scam or fraud that seemed legitimate and believable. When you look back, you’ll admit that it was all because you trusted an individual, a product, or a service because of one factor: It seemed 100% believable and trustworthy! Mix bullsh*t with bodacious and that’s all it takes for most of us to fall for. Even if it is 80% real, honest, and authentic but 20% fake, fraud, or scam, it’s hard NOT to get fooled by it.


The point I am trying to make is just because someone is somewhat familiar or work with dogs, doesn’t mean much these days. Your poor dog is relying on your best judgment and course of action.


One rule I follow in life is I rarely take anyone’s words seriously. I am dead serious! I don’t care what people say, preach, post, share, text, or protest on, I look at their actions. I follow this golden rule in relationships, friendships, and in business. You hear and see politicians in their ads preaching: Elect me and on the very first day in office I will do this, do that, repeal this law, repeal that law, or whatever… Eyeroll. You’ll measure the curtains and go furniture shopping on the first day. We are not stupid.


And for you women out there, always think with facts, not feelings or fairytales. I am not saying to ignore your feelings about someone or something. But always back them up with Cold. Hard. Facts. Because let’s face it: Feelings don’t always equal to facts.


Think with your head, NOT your heart. Your heart is usually the stupid one. Many of you reading this stay up alllllll night losing sleep over what-if outcomes, what-if scenarios, weird feelings about someone, many assumptions, instead of actual facts and real events.

I always prepare for the future, but I never let my past OR even my future consume me. Here’s a word of advice from some dog dude: Think about how you can make THIS moment count. Don’t think about the next hour, about tomorrow or what if you get kicked out of your place soon. Enjoy a good night’s sleep right NOW. You can’t do much at night with your head on your pillow staring at the ceiling anyway. Hello? Everything is closed and everyone else is ALSO sleeping.


Most people never heal, because they stay in their heads, replaying corrupted scenarios. Let it go.

— Sylvester Mcnutt


Now that quote is real and not made up. I swear. Don’t let his last name scare you. He isn’t a porn star either. And here I thought MY name was memorable.


Anyway, always think how can I make NOW, this moment, this second, an enjoyable experience. Live in the NOW. How can you make this moment that you’re reading or listening to these words, a cool, chill, productive experience?


For the sake of your dog, think things through with logic, common sense, and reasoning. Compare everything, everyone, every tool, and don’t be so naïve. Just because the trainer said so, the dog school advocates it, the veterinarian believes it, the neighbor said that, your relative said this, your wife assumes it, your hubby said so, your kids, their friend, the rescue lady, the dog walker, the pet sitter, that book, this book, or what worked on that dog, or your previous dogs, and bla bla bla.


Let your dog’s behavior pattern and experience speak the loudest.


Trust me when I say this: Some of these trainers will get cocky by saying that they’ve been a dog trainer or a breeder for twenty years…




I’m serious. They don’t know your dog and aren’t living your life. Talk is cheap. Take a close look at how much your dog is responding to you when it matters the most! Look, some of my clients don’t really care about MY three decades of experience. It’s true. They’ll listen and all, but every dog owner cares about the final outcome while making sure their dog listens to THEM when I’m gone. That’s right. Screw my experience or their experience. The results will impress EVERYONE.


Don’t tell me you already forgot hundreds of thousands of people are getting killed by our doctors, nurses and pharmaceutical companies that I mentioned in the preface of my book? Definitely makes you pause when it comes to dog experts, doesn’t it?


Time for the Verdict:


You really need to be smart and dissect all ten of these lies, mistakes, and assumptions through a brand-new lens. Evaluate your dog and think of different owners that you know of:

  • Why even your treats don’t work around dogs on walks or when you have company?
  • Do our dogs truly live to please us? Be honest. Does yours? Really? Like 100%??
  • Don’t you feel awkward NOT saying NO to your dog?
  • Is it wrong to try different tools HUMANELY, if a collar, harness, and a leash stopped working around dogs, your visitors, or other real-world distractions?
  • Don’t you think whether your dog is an-eight-week-old pup or eighteen years old grouch, that he HAS to know right from wrong? What is acceptable and what isn’t?
  • How much did you learn from that class? Was it truly productive or waste of time?
  • Did the group class fix all of your dog’s bad habits and tackled those serious behavioral issues? Barking, jumping up, lunging, snapping, biting, potty training etc.
  • Do you honestly care if your dog looks at you or you rather have him listen and respond with or without making eye contact or following your hand gestures?


And finally, think twice about dog parks, and talk to dog owners who have actually tried various methods and different training tools. Look at how their dogs behave around guests, other dogs, or from a distance, and without being leashed, tied up, locked in a cage, or restrained.  Ok. I’m done with this chapter. But hey, that Trump and Mcnutt quote came out of nowhere. Expect the unexpected from me. I will keep you on your toes.


From the Book, DOGS DECODED – Dog Psychology from the Future

Please. Don’t Yell, Hit, or Get Rid of Your Poor Dog. Let Me Help You Train it.

– Zeddicus (The Dog Prodigy) King